How CA handles a consumer complaint
- Receipt of a signed written complaint will be acknowledged within 3 working days.
- If your complaint is considered by us to be outside our legal power/scope of service and it should be handled without our involvement, we will inform you so in writing in our letter acknowledging the receipt of your complaint. We will seek your written consent (if not yet given) for referring your complaint to the operator concerned for its review. If you are not the registered customer of the service involved in the complaint, the registered customer's written consent is required. The operator will respond to the registered customer or you direct and keep us informed. On such complaint, we shall not send you or the registered customer a separate reply.
- When a prima facie case that the operator concerned may have breached relevant licence conditions or provisions in the Telecommunications Ordinance can be established, we shall carry out formal investigation into the case.
- We shall strive to give you a full reply on your complaint within 27 working days (or if the case so warrants, within 27 working days after receipt of the registered customer's express consent for disclosing personal data given and transferring the documents related to the complaint to the operator(s) and parties concerned) if your complaint is within our legal power/scope of service and we have conducted a formal investigation. If a full reply cannot be made within 27 working days, an interim reply will be given to you to advise the progress. The reply will be in the language of your complaint.
- There are cases which we need some time to study or to refer to the concerned operators for explanation or action before we can conclude whether they are within CA's jurisdiction. On these cases, we shall also let you have an interim or full reply within 27 working days.
- If your complaint is not actionable or we cannot offer you any assistance, you will be informed and given the explanation.
- If you are not satisfied with our reply or investigation results, you may appeal in writing directly to the Director-General of Communications for a review of your complaint.
Lodge your complaint with the operator concerned first
If you have a complaint about the services provided by a telecommunications operator, you should lodge the complaint with the operator first. It is the responsibility of the operator to handle their customer service matters properly.
How Complaints are handled