Explanatory Notes

The Communications Authority (CA) conducted a public consultation exercise from 15 September 2014 to
14 November 2014 to gauge public views on the performance of Hong Kong Commercial Broadcasting Company Limited and Metro Broadcast Corporation Limited. Members of the public were invited to send in their views through the following channels:

The CA received a total of 632 written submissions from members of the public (including 13 written submissions which were received after the consultation period). Amongst them, we identified 60 submissions adopting 10 different templates.

All the written submissions have been uploaded onto this website, except those the senders of which have asked to keep confidential. The submissions have been arranged according to the types of senders (categorised by groups/organisations and individuals) and, where possible, in chronological order (in the case of submissions from individuals) or alphabetical order (in the case of submissions from groups/organisations). Written submissions in template formats by individuals are consolidated separately into the category of "submissions adopting templates".

In order to protect personal privacy, the names and contact information of individual opinion providers have been removed.